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Bed Bug Removal & Extermination Services

Experienced Bed Bug Control & Removal for Nassau County, Suffolk County, Queens and Westchester

Just hearing the words "bed bugs" causes grief and discomfort to homeowners and business owners throughout the region. Emergency Environment Control is ready 24 hours a day/7 days a week and every day of the year to address your emergency bed bug crisis. We only staff experienced trained professionals who have taken care of a wide range of bed bug issues. We have seen it all! Call our office at 631-862-2560 with questions or to request an on-site emergency response to your bed bug problem. Our bed bug control and removal services are offered to homeowners and business owners throughout Nassau and Suffolk County on Long Island, New York, as well as the greater New York City area and Westchester. Don't let bed bugs fester for too long and get our emergency services on the site right away!

What are Bed Bugs?

Bed Bug CycleBed bugs are six-legged nocturnal insects that feed only on blood, usually that of humans or warm-blooded animals. The most common bed bug, Cimex lectularius, is the species most adapted to living with humans. Adult bed bugs appear mahogany to red in shade and are flat and oval-shaped. They can grow to be no more than ¼ inch. Immature bed bugs (nymphs) resemble the adults, but are smaller and somewhat lighter in color and can appear translucent.

Because of their morphology, bed bugs can live inside mattresses, baseboards, box springs, headboards, and many other cracks and crevices around the house. Bed bugs can lay 200 to 500 eggs during their lifetime. Under normal room temperatures and with an adequate food supply, bed bugs will typically live up to a total of 316 days.

When Should You Call?

If you’re waking up covered in curious bites, it may be time to seriously consider whether you have bed bugs. Because different people experience different reactions to bites from bed bugs, there’s no one specific way to describe how they appear. However, they do tend to appear as raised red bumps and also usually in clusters or patterns of three or four.

Waking up with bites would probably be the first indication. Also, since bed bugs can travel easily in between walls, if you find out that any of your neighbors or people living in apartments adjacent to yours have bed bugs, it would probably be a good idea to get your apartment checked.

We have years of experience fighting insects of all kinds and employ a wide range of methods to combat bed bugs. We will come into your home and determine the best route to control and remove the bed bugs from your bedroom.

Professional Bed Bug Treatment

Every bed bug infestation we find in Nassau and Suffolk County homes are always a little different. This means that the plan to get rid of the bed bugs will require a specific plan that takes into consideration the current infestation. When you call upon Emergency Environmental Control, you will get professional bed bug treatment. We will conduct a thorough bed bug inspection in order to determine the extent of the infestation. Once we have an understanding of the extent of the issue, we will schedule a treatment plan as soon as possible. Our bed bug treatment plans can include the use of heat and vacuuming, while also using the most effective residual materials available. After the treatment, we can set up a follow up appointment to inspect the area again to make sure the bed bug situation is fully clear.

Contact Us for Your Nassau and Suffolk County Bed Bug Removal

Emergency Environmental Control serves Long Island (Nassau and Suffolk) Queens and Westchester. We are a licensed, owner-operated bed bug removal and control company. We provide 24-hour service, 365 days per year. Please contact us today with any bug or pest control issues you may be experiencing!

Bed Bug FAQs

Do Bed Bugs Transmit Disease-Causing Pathogens?

While bed bugs are not known to transmit disease-causing pathogens, their bites might be irritating and can potentially cause an allergic reaction. And excessive scratching may irritate and damage the skin, which then presents the potential for infection. Lastly, there is also the psychological toll on having a bed bug infestation, such as anxiety or stress. So they may not transmit pathogens, but their mere existence is enough to cause harm.

How Quickly Does Bed Bug Treatment Work?

Our bed bug control and removal solutions should begin to work almost immediately. However, it is not uncommon to see bed bugs for a short period of time after the treatment. If you do see a lingering issue, then we can follow up again to make sure the infestation is exterminated completely.

Why Do Bed Bugs Pop Up Even After a Successful Treatment?

It is possible for bed bugs to return after a successful treatment since they can enter your home at any time by being carried in on clothes, furniture, luggage, or from a neighbor. If they are in your home or apartment, it is likely the infestation has gone past just your location, unfortunately. But with our experienced services, the likelihood of a return infestation is small.

How Much Does Bed Bug Treatment Cost

The cost will always vary when it comes to the removal of bed bugs from a certain location, as there are numerous factors that wind up determining the severity of the infestation. However, you can schedule an inspection and we can accurately determine the extent of the infestation and lay out a plan of action and the costs of that plan.