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Handling An Arrest

Tips on Handling an Arrest

Handling an arrest can be an ordeal for anyone. But the good news for you is that 30 Minutes After Being Busted: Trying To Handle Your Arrest is here to help! Author Leonard Bilski puts pen to paper and gives some helpful prison tips on how to properly handle an arrest. These tips come from someone who spent time behind bars and has experience being on the wrong side of the law. So he knows the ins and outs about handling an arrest. And his door is always open to chat about it and help anyone in need.

Check out his book on the best ways of handling an arrest. Nobody wants to be arrested, but with anything in life it is better to be prepared.

Book about handling an arrestAbout The Book

This book is a first-hand account of author Leonard Bilski's life and how he has dealt with the law over the years. It details his arrest and subsequent time in prison. Lenny has a wonderful sense of humor and he imbues his personality into the book and makes the best of a bad situation. It has some funny stories, but is also uplifting and serious. Lenny does not hold back when it comes to digging down into his personal life, because he wants others to learn from his mistakes. Pick up the book today and read some wisdom from Lenny! Reading this book can help prepare you for an arrest and help you handle it.

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Different Purchasing Options

30 Minutes After Being Busted: Trying to Handle Your Arrest can be purchased easily through Amazon. It comes in two types. You can purchase it for your Kindle for a reasonable $3.99.

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And for those people who still enjoy holding a book, you can purchase the paperback edition for a few bucks more at $8.99. The world is your oyster. You get to choose the format you read the book.

This book can be a fun gag gift for anyone who has brushed with the law. But it can also be used for those seriously interested in properly handling an arrest. You can speak to Lenny directly by calling 631-862-2560 today. He always has time to chat for a few about his interesting past. So what are you waiting for? Pick up a copy today! Learn all you need to know about handling an arrest.