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Bat Removal & Exclusion Service
Bat Removal - Nassau & Suffolk County on Long Island
Emergency Environmental Control is proud to offer a wide variety of emergency pest control services for clients across Nassau and Suffolk County on Long Island, New York, which includes dependable bat removal. Our years of pest control experience allow us to perform the most thorough and efficient removal work. Bats are pests because they are known to quickly and seamlessly take residence in your home's attic, chimney or any other room. This common issue for homeowners can be easily solved through our expedient and detailed work.
EEC will fully inspect your home, including your attic for any signs of a bat infestation. We will also clean up all droppings, hairs or any other messes caused by these pests. Our bat removal experts will work with you throughout our extermination to ensure your living situation will not be disturbed while servicing your home.
As colder weather approaches, rats and other wildlife will be seeking shelter from the harsher elements. Bats prefer to hibernate in dark, warmer areas leaving your home at risk of an infestation. Signs of an infestation include droppings and hairs, screeching and flapping noises. We offer safe bat exclusion services for people throughout Long Island, New York, which will make sure the bats do not return to the infestation location.
Bat Removal Tactics
There are different ways to attack bats that are living in a structure. We find traps, repellents, and scare tactics are all effective. But ultimately, the main solution is to make these bats uncomfortable. That is how you get them to leave. So we do this by reviewing their living situation and base a plan of action based on those findings. If they brush against steel, wool, or a metal type material. Or see moving shiny objects. One thing we do is to rub a gel on this material that makes them hot. Because like we said, the main objective is consistent aggravation. That is the bat removal tactic that gets them to leave.
But when it comes down to it, is the guy you hire willing to agree to come as many times it takes to get them to leave? And give you at least a 90-day guarantee? As well as recommendations so the bats don’t come back again? All of this is in job description! And our bat removal services are offered for home and businesses across Long Island, NY (including both Nassau and Suffolk County).
Bat Issues
Bats are nocturnal creatures allowing them to easily stay out of sight. Since you are typically awake or often not home during the day, bats can be practically invisible until you return home or go to sleep. They can leave droppings around your house, make noise and can bite you if provoked. Some bats even carry serious diseases including histoplasmosis, a fungal lung infection. left unchecked, bats can do serious damage to your home and health.
Bats can also cause issues by accidentally entering your home. They may be living in your attic unsuspectingly, but become a more immediate problem if they find a way into the home. And if they find a way in, more times than not they are trapped without finding a way out. They also may cause issues by swarming around a home or building.
Tips About Keeping Bats Away
There are many different things you can do to keep bats away for good. Trim the trees and keep the garbage sealed away. Do not leave gaps and holes anywhere near the house. This includes areas where wires, cables or phone lines come in. Tighten door sweeps and the rubber around the garage doors. This way they cannot squeeze in.
There are plenty of pest control people you can hire on Long Island. But hire one that is not relying on your next problem. At Emergency Environmental Control, we like to do all your work when you need it. We have plenty of work and we don’t wait for problems to happen. If we see problems, we fix them. And we will tell you if you might have problems come up. For the best bat removal services on Long Island, please get in touch with us today!
Get Bat Control Today
Lenny has years of experience handling bats. He can remove the bats from your property quickly and any droppings, too. Because he knows that cleaning up bat poop isn't easy. And his bat exclusion services will ensure that those pesky bats don't return!
Get Bat Control
For more information about our animal control services, please reach out to us today for more information. The number to call for a free estimate regarding bat removal is 631-862-2560. When you call, we will happily answer any questions or concerns you may have about our bat removal, which extends to people across both Suffolk County and Nassau County. Also, check out the other emergency pest removal services we offer people across Long Island.
Emergency Environmental Control
88 Woodlawn Avenue
St. James, NY 11780